Consultant with a certain standing
Deutsche Werkstätten consider themselves an equal partner in the process, anything else would be impossible, given the complexity of the work involved. A contract cannot be reduced to working through a list of specifications. The company has a great deal of experience in the field and feels it has a duty to point out planning errors when they see them. Not to do so, would be a breach of trust. If Deutsche Werkstätten consider initial designs to be unfeasible this is clearly stated, and steps taken to look for a viable alternative. Michael Dupke, Operations Director, points out that on rare occasions the company has had to say “No”. Even at the risk of causing an éclat, the company will always decide against a poor compromise.
An example is the choice of door closing mechanism used to trigger sliding doors on yachts. Rather than fit a simple light barrier fuse, Deutsche Werkstätten will invariably opt to install a light curtain to ensure people can pass through safely when doors close automatically and thus avoid possible serious injury. As the interior outfitting contractor, Deutsche Werkstätten bears full legal responsibility. Michael Dupke confirms that in his experience, having the confidence to say ‘no’ earns the company a certain amount of respect from clients. In fact, it is now sometimes the case that DW are asked to give advice even when they are not directly involved in a project. What a compliment!
Editorial note: This article was published in 2020.