Torsten Thiemer
Torsten Thiemer has contributed to a number of milestone projects at Deutsche Werkstätten. He first joined the company in 1997 as a design engineer after completing an apprenticeship as a cabinetmaker and studying wood technology. Initially his intention had been to get an impression of working for a large scale joinery company - and then return to his hometown. But he had underestimated just how fascinating the work at DW would turn out to be. He soon realized he was hooked and Deutsche Werkstätten became a life-long commitment. One of his first projects was the interior outfitting of the Metropolitan business train, commissioned by Deutsche Bahn and designed by the architect Meinhard von Gerkan. “That project turned out to be a bigger challenge than we had initially expected.” Though the Metropolitan project was discontinued after the completion of just two trains, it proved to be a good reference for future contracts, particularly for projects in the yacht industry. When Deutsche Werkstätten was appointed for its first complex yacht fitout, Torsten Thiemer was part of the team. The commission was for a VIP suite including a stateroom, office, dressing room and bathroom. Exceptional requirements required exceptional solutions.
Torsten Thiemer was there to provide quick answers. From the word go he was thrilled to work so closely with the clients in developing their very personal space. The real breakthrough for DW in yacht interiors came in the year 2000 with the appointment to engineer, build and install the interiors for a whole yacht. Since then Torsten Thiemer has witnessed first-hand the extraordinary developments in the industry. New clients with more ambitious designs. The projects more complex and demanding in terms of skilled craftsmanship and the application of advanced technologies. Today, Thorsten Thiemer is an accomplished project manager in this specialist field and has not lost any of his initial enthusiasm.